Church Family News

13-19 May

So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 
1 Corinthians 3v7

Dear friends 

What a great reminder it was as we continued in 1 Corinthians that it is God who does the work of saving souls and building his church. It's amazing that we're able to be part of the building project, but may we continue to give God the glory for the work that he does as he mercifully opens blind eyes. 

In case you missed it, Adam is going to be taking at least this week off as he continues to recover from issues with his heart and we'll keep updating as to how he is getting on. If there is anything urgent this week please do reach out to your Life Group leaders, the elders (Jonny and myself) or the office. Please do bear with us but most of all uphold Adam and Kate and the rest of the family in your prayers. For healing for Adam, wisdom as to next steps and energy for Kate as she looks after Adam and the kids. Thanks again for all the offers of practical support - some has already been arranged and we'll let you know of anything further when needed. 

Hope you have a good week and look forward to seeing many at Life Groups.






Praise God we are His field, His building and God builds his church.  Say sorry for the times you have idolised human leaders and forgotten it is God who gives the growth.  Pray at Christ Church Jesus would be our foundation as we seek to serve each other.  


Pray for Adam, Kate and the kids as Adam recuperates from time in hospital.  Pray for healing for his heart and strength for Kate as she looks after him.  Pray for the kids to keep trusting God and for God's grace & blessing on the whole family as they walk through this tough time.  


Spend some time talking to God about the things you have heard in the news today.  Pray for God's work in these situations - for his mercy, justice and grace to be known and shared.  


Thank God for the deep friendships at Christ Church and for the men's fellowship evening today thinking about community.  Pray for the men at Christ Church to be great brothers in Christ to each other, spurring one another on to live for Jesus every day.  


Lift up to the Lord those you know who are struggling but don't yet know Jesus their Saviour.  Pray for you to love them well in their trials and hold out Jesus' invitation to come to him with their suffering and pain.


Praise God for Crossteach and a full staff team taking the gospel into schools.  Pray new staff members would be strengthened, equipped and encouraged in their evangelism and would work well together to share the good news of Jesus with the next generation.  Pray on for funding for this important work. 


Pray God would be growing us today and building up His church.  Pray we would be listening to His word and sharing it faithfully with one another.  Pray particularly for the Hope Explored Course starting today.  Ask that God would be revealing Himself in these sessions through His Spirit.  





Community Fellowship - Men's 16 May, Women's 6 June

Our next fellowship evenings are coming up and over dinner we'll be thinking about community.  All welcome - a great way to get to know church family better!

To sign up & order your curry for the men's evening this week click here.  



Hope Explored starting 19th May

Join us for food and informal discussion, exploring together what Christianity is all about. Sign up here. The Course is three sessions over Sunday lunch at church.



Crossteach Walk for Schools

Open Doors Standing Strong



Our men's and women's fellowship evenings will be thinking about the topic of community.   Here's an article to reflect on: